It’s there where, maybe, Martin Rodriguez got his epiphany about becoming President of his country, Guatemala. He may have harbored that dream all along but it’s in Omaha where I heard it straight from the horse mouth. It’s not farfetched because a lot of great guys now like Margaret Thatcher, Tony Blair, and others were once part of the US State Department’s Visitors’ Program.
It happened one dinner time with Val, Alpha Barry (State Department), Martin, Reem, and me. Fine wine was abundant during that cold evening in Omaha’s old market, courtesy of Val and Alpha’s exquisite tastes. The conversation seems to have gone this way: “Martin, would you be working as a journalist for the rest of your life?” asked Val.
“No. I’m giving myself a few more years. After that, I’ll enter politics. I want to become the President of Guatemala someday,” said Martin, smiling and with great confidence. “I’m giving myself thirty years [to achieve it].”
“Thirty years? That’s too long,” countered Val.
“Okay, maybe twenty five years,” said Martin.
“Still too long,” said Val. “Why not twenty years? Or Seventeen.”
“Okay, twenty years,” Martin said finally.
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